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Wire Harness - Warmer Light Switch - RoHS

Maternal-Infant Care
Giraffe Warmers
GE HealthCare
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Product Overview

The Wire Harness - Warmer Light Switch is generally a set of electric cables which are used to transmit signals. This assembly consists of a cable tie, connector contacts, a heat shrink, sleeving and wires. The intended purpose of this wire harness is to transmit signals to a light in the Giraffe™ warmer. One end of the wire harness is connected with the control potentiometer with rotary switch and the other end is connected with connector contacts. This control potentiometer has a mounting panel, shaft, switch and terminals. The potentiometer is a small electric component that is used to measure the Electro Motive Force (EMF) of a given cell. This potentiometer resistance will be 1 mega-ohm and have the minimum voltage of 250 VAC. The shaft is made of a durable plastic.

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