M4 x 0.7 x 16 Flat Head PH with NYLOK
6600-1155-400 | |
Maternal-Infant Care | |
Giraffe OmniBed | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The M4 x 0.7 x 16 Flat Head PH with NYLOK is a machine screw with heads that are flat on top and slightly angular vertical sides. The Phillips drive is x-shaped for the installation with a Philips screwdriver. Their low head height and large diameter provide increased driving power. The screws have a set of radial indentations set at 45° from the main cross recess on the head of the screw which makes them different from the normal screw heads. This prevents the screwdriver from popping out of the screw and consequent head damage and allows more torque to be applied to it. The base material of the screw is stainless steel, which offers good physical properties. The material is iron-based alloys, which contains a minimum of chromium of around 10.5%. The presence of chromium offers corrosion resistance to stainless steel and helps to resist scaling at elevated temperatures. The material also maintains excellent toughness. The Nylok Patch is a self-locking element comprised of nylon permanently bonded onto the threads of a fastener.