M2 16.0 Phillips Head Pan Screw A2304
6600-0710-408 | |
Maternal-Infant Care | |
Giraffe OmniBed | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The M2 16.0 Phillips Head Pan Screw A2304 is part used in a Maternal-Infant Care. Pan Head machine screws are machine screws with heads that are flat on top and rounded on the sides. They're similar to oval head machine screws, which also have rounded sides the difference is that oval head screws have a rounded top, as opposed to a flat top, and they have tapered bases. These products are widely appreciated for their excellent strength, high durability and easy installation. The pan heads screws are slightly rounded with short vertical sides. A screw is used in any application that requires joining a number of different materials together including plastics, rubber and various metals as well as plywood. Pan head machine screws are machine screws with heads that are flat on top and rounded on the sides. A screw is a type of fastener, and it is similar to a bolt made up of metal. The presence of chromium offers corrosive resistance to stainless steel and helps to resist scaling at elevated temperature. Stainless steel also maintains an excellent toughness.