Cable Assembly - TGPL CN5 to OC RL1
5321390 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Brivo 315 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The cable harness is a high quality cable assembly used to connect TGPL & OC SCB assemblies . This cable assembly offers good flexibility & high conductivity connection. The cable assembly is designed for easy installation with its fully shielded screw mounted SUB-D connectors. The product's high quality material and overmold connector ends, helps to offer a reliable operation, efficient functioning and longer life span. The cable assembly comes with 2 X 25 Position SUB-D male & female connectors which are designed for proper fitting during installation. This product is compatible with Ling long Global gantry main body - dual, Single, Main Body of GE's Brivo 315, Brivo 325 CT systems.