Attachment-Rail Long 6 Positioning Global Table
5120311-2 | |
5120311 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Optima 660 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Attachment-Rail Long 6 Positioning Global Table in Computed Tomography (CT) is used in GT2000 N9, HD-GT2000 and other medical equipments as applicable. It is compact and small in size which is easily portable. When the patient moves, the attachment rail is pulled with patient strap. The attachment rail is pushed when the patient leans on the attachment rail. After 10,000 shuttles the attachment rail is broken. It is moved upper side by more than 20 kgf and to down side by more than 60 kgf. The product is made from the material which possess flexibility, good heat and chemical resistant, tough and good heat resistant. The product is ROHS compliant and is approved for today’s safety standards. The GE product is an innovation and technology which fits well into versatile customer needs. The product is securely packaged inside a high quality packing box to avoid physical damage during transit and labeled with details about the product, Quality Assurance (QA) seal and shipment details.
Compatible Products
Optima 660
Revolution EVO
Lightspeed RT Xtra
Lightspeed RT
Discovery 750 HD
Equivalent Part
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |
5120311 |