Scan Disk Array Hard Drive with Mounting Sled 5114536-11-H
5114536-11-H | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Other Computed Tomography (CT) | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Scan Array, Hard Drive with mounting sled firmware rev1 is used in Computed Tomography. The capacity of the Hard disk drive is 300.0 GB. The interface of storage used is SAS (Serial Attached SCSI), which is a point-to-point serial protocol that moves data to and from computer-storage devices such as hard drives and tape drives. The read latency is 2.0 milliseconds. The disk array is considered a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) subassembly. The disk array weighs 60 Lbs (27.2 kgs), and the rotational speed of the drive is 15000 RPM. The exhaust fans used in the disk array are DC fans which are brushless and have ball bearings. The disk array supports twelve (12) external 3.5-inch hot-swap SCSI HDD, two (2) hot-swap rear blowers for optimized cooling, two (2) external 68-pin HD68 SCSI connector, AC power source. It operates under the temperature range of 5-35° C and can accept temperature change of 3° C per hour. The chassis type of the disk is Rock-mountable, whose orientation is horizontal. The hard drives are hot-swappable, which means the disks can be replaced while the disk array is still in use, from the front of the disk array. LEDs are available to check the functioning of the disk drives.