RJ45 Feed Through Connector
2228295 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Lightspeed 16 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This RJ45 Feed Through Connector is designed as a snap-in module with tabs to work with wall plates, rack panels or other devices that accept Keystone jacks. It is a modular polycarbonate coupler with a RJ45 jack on both the front and rear for fast plug-in connections of patch cords to both sides. These inline couplers connect two modular cables and the wires are straight through rather than crossed over. This coupler comes with Gold plated Phosphor Bronze contacts. These Modular Couplers can be used with VCT, Lightspeed RT, Lightspeed Pro 16, Lightspeed 16, Lightspeed Ultra, HiSpeed Qxi, Lightspeed Plus and Lightspeed QXi Computed Tomography (CT) systems.