Base and Catch for Self-Catching Latch
2222889-3 | |
2182716-3 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Lightspeed Pro 16 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Base and Catch for Self-Catching Latch assembly is used in the metal-free cradle and accessories kit, which is primarily used in Digital Imaging (DI) devices like LOGIQ 200 PRO, CT Optima CT660 32/64/128-Slice, XR RTI RAD TABLE, CT Brightspeed Elite 16-Slice, XF RFX/SFX MPX, HCS-IT AW Server, Unassigned MV, PET Discovery ST 4-Slice, CT Optima CT660 32/64/128-Slice, XF Precision 500D, CT Brivo CT385 16-Slice, HCS-IT AW Workstation 4.7 and XV Innova 2100 NM Infinia II, among others. The assembly consists of three parts, the keeper, the base and the catch. The Latch is simply a type of mechanical fastener that is used to join two or more objects while allowing for their regular separation. Here both base and catch are made up of different material and both colors will be same as black. It is almost used in all the machines which has a cradle area for the patient to lie down for scanning and examination. It is used along with screws to connect the cradle which is at the top and the table which comes at the bottom.
Compatible Products
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