Keeper for Self - Catching Latch Assembly
2222889-2 | |
2182716-2 | |
Computed Tomography (CT) | |
Lightspeed 16 | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
The Keeper for Self - Catching Latch Assembly is used in the metal-free cradle and accessories kit, which is used in Digital Imaging (DI) machines like LOGIQ 200 PRO, Brightspeed 4, HiSpeed 2.X, LightSpeed 3.X Ultra 8-Slice, Optima CT660 32/64/128-Slice, Senographe 800T, PRODIGY FULL ORACLE, Millennium MyoSight, Discovery XR656, Prospeed 2-Slice, Brightspeed Power 16-Slice, Signa HDx Twinspeed 1.5, Xeleris WS 1.1 and Innova 3131 among others. The assembly consists of three parts, the keeper, the base and the catch. It is in most of the machines which have a cradle area for the patient to lie down for scanning and examination. It is used along with screws to connect the cradle, which is at the top and the table that comes at the bottom. The material is manufactured from polymerization of formaldehyde and is used to manufacture engineering components which needs to be reliable for long term product life. It has good toughness at low temperatures. It is fabricated by injection molding method. It is mainly used in areas where moisture content is more as it has low moisture absorption. It has very good insulating property and therefore used for many electrical applications.
Equivalent Part
Below is more information on the equivalent parts. Parts without a hyperlink are listed for reference only and are not available for purchase online.
Equivalent part | Part Details |