Spring Torsion Switch Actuator Lever
1407-3117-000 | |
Anesthesia Delivery | |
Aisys | |
GE HealthCare | |
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Product Overview
This single winding torsion spring is made using 0.61 mm diameter wire of Stainless Steel material. The spring works by twisting its two end along its axis which forms two helix with U-Shaped ends, these 1.37 flexible turns forms an elastic object that stores mechanical energy when it is twisted. When it is twisted, it exerts a torque in the opposite direction, proportional to the amount (angle) it is twisted. The arms of the spring are diligently designed with U-Shaped ends in order to provide perfect and easy fit in the assembly. The passivated stainless steel material of the spring provides good exterior finish along with excellent corrosion resistance. This spring is compatible for use in the switch actuator assemblies of GE's 9100 C Anesthesia Delivery Systems. The spring will be shipped in suitable packaging to provide adequate protection during transit.